Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Seree- Tutorial (8/12/2010 Wednesday)

Today, me, Kah Hong, and Ah Kau, we 3 have tutorial with Pn Safinas. We showed her our ideas and the subject that we have chosen. We are going to focus on “sign board” around the KL. However, this is not about random sign board, we found that some of the sign board are quite confusing. Therefore we plan to do a “guide” for tourist which is our target audience. We want to do this subject matter is because sign boards around KL are quite confusing not only for the tourist, but our Malaysian also might confuse about the meaning of the sign board. After the discussion we decided to do 10 unique sign boards. 4 is about the language(Bahasa Malaysia) problem. Another 6 is about the symbol problem of the sign board. So, now we have our idea already; the next step is mood board and idea generation.

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