Friday, December 10, 2010

Computer Workshop >
10 Dec 2010 (FRI)- This week, Ser Ee, Kah Hong and I went for the Computer Workshop for the lesson ofFlash”, “Dreamweaver”, and “Fireworks” softwares. Unluckily, I couldn’t catch up precisely and at the end, I had learnt some and lost some.

For today, after the computer workshop, I started to do the project regarding to the title-Signs of KL City. The meaning and introduction of 10 selected signboards had been found and printed out.

Through the previous group discussion, our group had confirmed the video shooting and comic as our medium to introduce and communicate chosen signboards to our target audience. Our group leader, Ser Ee had also divided some works for each group members. For example:

We need to do the moodboard of the website; we need to think about the flow chart of website design and each member take responsibility to sketch out few of the storyboard for the video shooting and comic before we proceed to the mock up design stage. 

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