Monday, December 6, 2010

Having A Short Tutorial

6 Dec 2010 (MON)-11.50am,we went to staff room of School of Design to find our tutor, Pn. Safinas for tutorial. Pn Safinas told us we should find out the objective of choosing the "SIGNBOARDS" as our subject matter in this project. We also need to decide the target audiences and think about how the target audiences interact with the "signboards".

After the tutorial, I planned to do the research of every "signboard" and print out the images for pasting them into my sketchbook.From visualising the images of "signboards", we will able to get some ideas for our project and bring it out during the group discussion and next tutorial.

p/s: The pictures that I attached here show the images of "signboards" in A4 paper, and some of the research about KL city and KL food culture on my sketchbook. 

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