Saturday, January 29, 2011

yeah~work done!!!

28 Jan 2011 (FRI)- Yahoo~ we have tried to finish our project 3 flash linking for so many times. Asked lecturer for lecture and consult for so many times to get help from them on solving the problem of linking the pages.

To be Honest and super duper happy to announce that: We finally have done our project 3. yeah!!! The flash , the html file, the swf file finally achieved. Cheers everyone..have a bigbig blast^^

Our group did show the final outcome to Puan Safinas and Miss Ruby(lecturer who helped us to solve the flash problem a lot).

Hereby, I wan to thank Kah Hong who did a lot of hard work in doing FLash, thanks to Ser Ee, thanks to Puan Safians and thanks to Miss Ruby. Nice to work with you all^^

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