Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Video Shooting

4 Jan 2011 (TUES)- This morning until evening, we went to Kuala Lumpur city where nearby Jalan Imbi to taxi video for this project.

Firstly, our video contents are focus on 4 of the chosen language problem signboards. For instance, those signboards are “BERHENTI”, “AWAS”, “BERI LALUAN” and “JALAN SEHALA”.

We found out the most suitable signboard location and then we took video there. In video, all group members, Ser Ee, Kau and Kah Hong involved in drama acting by following the storyline that we had done.

At the end of today, we were able to finish taking 2 videos. The other two which “AWAS” and “JALAN SEHALA” will be continued on tomorrow morning.

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