Saturday, January 29, 2011

yeah~work done!!!

28 Jan 2011 (FRI)- Yahoo~ we have tried to finish our project 3 flash linking for so many times. Asked lecturer for lecture and consult for so many times to get help from them on solving the problem of linking the pages.

To be Honest and super duper happy to announce that: We finally have done our project 3. yeah!!! The flash , the html file, the swf file finally achieved. Cheers everyone..have a bigbig blast^^

Our group did show the final outcome to Puan Safinas and Miss Ruby(lecturer who helped us to solve the flash problem a lot).

Hereby, I wan to thank Kah Hong who did a lot of hard work in doing FLash, thanks to Ser Ee, thanks to Puan Safians and thanks to Miss Ruby. Nice to work with you all^^

Monday, January 17, 2011

Presentation has passed

17 Jan 2011 (MON)- Today is our presentation day for this project 3. so "HAPPY" to tell you guys that we are the first group to present...wahahahahha~~>< and we have undergone a special and memorable presentation.
We used the powerpoint slide show to show the process our woks.During presentation, everything seem goes smooth at first but unluckily..some webpages in the flash faced the "technical problem" which some of the webpages cant link to each others. Moreover, our video couldn't showed during the presentation due to the "computer problem" which the MOV file not supported. Therefore, we have to show the webpages and videos separately.

In conclusion, our group  need to touch up our flash by connecting all the webpages to the correct pages and links.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Meeting in Ah Kao House

Today, we get an meeting in Ah Kao house, and we try to finish the web design and flow chat. We had not so prefer in flash. Therefore, we wasted a lot of time in doing the linking in flash. We keep trying in different method and skill to done it, finally we learn the ways to get an linking. In today, we finished the link between home pages and the subpages. The other will done as soon as possible. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Continue our web design

Today we do our works at library meeting room. We continue on our web design. At the first we all kinda lost because we are not very good in Flash, but then, we keep trying and getting more familiar with Flash now. Kah hong responsible for arranging link buttons and rollover buttons. So, we try to finish up all the page designs by tomorrow. I will try and design a "useful link" page for tourist.

Confusing Road Sign-Flash-About us

Today, we continued our next very very very important work which webpage design for each title buttons. For example, the buttons are:
             ·         Confusing Road Sign
             ·         Useful Link 
             ·         About Us

Kau focus on the title of “About Us”. This webpage will then linked to “Biodata” and “Work Progression”; Ser Ee give attention to the webpage of “Confusing Road Sign” while I put effort in designing the webpage function and button by using software-Flash and Firework.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Miss Ruby's tutorial.

14 Jan 2011 (THUR)- Today we had the firework and flash software tutorial with dear Miss Ruby at KBU Computer Lab. We showed some of our work progression and try out some of the design in the both software with the help of Miss Ruby.

After the tutorial, we separated the works into 3 parts which:
 1. Comic drawing (Kah Hong)
           2.Webpage design (Ser Ee)
         3.Video subtitle editing (Kau)

At home, I did the try out design of the webpage content which may link to our videos and comics.
The above works must be done by today and tomorrow we will continue the other parts of project at KBU.

Rush rush rush

Today we continue our work as usual. The dateline is near and we have to move fasterrrrr. Kau was editing our videos, and Kah Hong was finalizing our comics. I responsible for the web page design. Our main web page is almost done, just need to add some effects in Flash. Nevertheless, I still need to figure out the background design for our other link pages.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Unity is the power

12 Jan 2011 (WED) - Today, after we had the tutorial with Puan Safinas, we went to library discussion room to continue our works and further discussion regarding to our homepage design and video.

Back to work again, we divide ourselves with different works.
(the picture below shows the situation when we are doing our works. say cheez~)
Kah Hong and Ser Ee are doing their works

say cheez~~ with car characters^^

Kah Hong  focus on homepage’s car character design; Ser Ee design the homepage appearance; I in charge the video editing and font of video info.

Web Design progress

We continue our web design today. Unfortunately I found that our 1st design of the web background is not that nice. Somehow it looks too flat and too cartoonish. So I decided to create another one. I decided to use something like montage(cut and paste) style for our web background. Therefore I collected some KL buildings picture and printed it out. Then i cut and arranged it on an A3 size paper. I purposely arranged all those buildings with different thickness to make it pop up abit.

There are few arrangements

For the final web background, I gonna add sky & ground.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Starting our web design

Yesterday we had a short discussion with Ms. Ruby. We asked her something about Flash before we start our web design. Today we have start our web design. We decided to do a 2D background and try to make it simple.  It gonna be cartoon style since that our theme is user friendly.  Furthermore, our main links gonna be interesting. We gonna put sound effect for the main links button and also add motion for it.

 This is our first tryout without our main links(cars) at the front

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Our videos - Almost there!

Today we combined our videos that had taken last 2 days ago. We chose the suitable one and develop it in Premium Pro. We divided our job. Kah Hong do the "Berhenti" & "Awas" video, Ah Kau do the "Beri Laluan" video, and I do the "Jalan Sehala". However, we also asked each other suggestion and idea during the progress. Furthermore, Kah Hong and I also play around with the music( that we going to insert for our video). Yeah, our videos are almost done. Tomorrow we going to finish up our videos and show to Pn. Safinas.

Mixed up the video with ADOBE PREMIERE PRO

After we taken all the video fragment, we start to combine those video with adobe premiere pro. Me and Ser Ee meets with Ah Kao in 10a.m., then we start to do it. First, we chooses the better video from the video we taken.  We had division of labor the video fragment that we picked. Ah Kao did the video for 'BERI LALUAN' signage, Ser Ee did the video for 'JALAN SEHALA' signage, and me did the 'BERHENTI' signage. In today, we finished 3 video from 4 video. We havent put in the sound or music for the video. We use to finish the video in tomomrow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Preparation for video shooting

These are the materials that we had prepared for video shooting. We used those stuffs to design and to be looked more related to the certain characters.
For example: (characters)
-male and female tourists
-male taxi driver
-local car driver

Video shooting part 2

5 Jan 2011 (WED)-At the end of today, we were able to finish taking the other 2 video which related to the signboards of “AWAS” and “JALAN SEHALA” . (Hoorrraaaayyyyy~~we have done the video shooting^^)
However, our group still got a long way to go as we need to arrange and edit all of the video by using software, Premium Pro.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Video Shooting

4 Jan 2011 (TUES)- This morning until evening, we went to Kuala Lumpur city where nearby Jalan Imbi to taxi video for this project.

Firstly, our video contents are focus on 4 of the chosen language problem signboards. For instance, those signboards are “BERHENTI”, “AWAS”, “BERI LALUAN” and “JALAN SEHALA”.

We found out the most suitable signboard location and then we took video there. In video, all group members, Ser Ee, Kau and Kah Hong involved in drama acting by following the storyline that we had done.

At the end of today, we were able to finish taking 2 videos. The other two which “AWAS” and “JALAN SEHALA” will be continued on tomorrow morning.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back from holiday!! Group meeting/discussion 3/1/11

We 3 have discussion in this afternoon. We came back earlier for our group project and we started with our story board. We showed each other with our own ideas. Then we only choose the suitable one for our video story line. Furthermore, we also thought about the background, tools, characters for our video. Finally we have divided the characters for each video. So...tomorrow morning we gonna meet at Times Square and start recording our videos.