Wednesday, December 29, 2010

engine is started.

29 Dec 2010 (WED)- It has been two weeks our group have not met with each others as we are having holiday and back to hometown.

Before holiday,we had our group discussion on 16 Dec 2010 (Thursday) at Mcdonald, Bandar Utama. At there, we had did our moodboard regarding to our group project.We pasted the information and images that we discussed and chosen onto a A2 mounting board.

We also discussed what should we do during the holiday.For instance,every group member has to draw the storyline for the video,comic and draw the layout for webpage. We will have next group meeting on 3 Jan 2011.
On that day, we will decide the storyline of video and comic design for each signboard.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Seree- Tutorial (Wednesday 15/12/2010)

Today we 3 have tutorial with Pn. Safinas again. We 3 decided to start with our video first since the video is the most complicate thing and it gonna take times to edit. Pn. Safinas mentioned that we have to do our flow chart first to get a direction, then we only start with our video. Therefore, after tutorial, we had a rough sketch of our flow chart. So we gonna draw our story line/story board for our four videos. After that we only choose or combine our 3 different story lines for the videos. Pn. Safinas suggested that we may include the real background of KL city in our videos so our target audience could recognize the surrounding of KL and we 3 agree with that. So we gonna focus on our website contents(video) first then we only design our website.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wilson Bently-Snowflakes

14 Dec 2010 (TUE)- Yesterday which Monday, I was more focused on the research regarding to WILSON BENTLY, one of the first known photographers of snowflakes. He was fascinated with the snowflakes and he captured images of flakes before they either melted or sublimated by using the microscope and camera. In total, he recorded 5,381 individual snowflakes, no two the same.
Wilson Bently


snowflake patterns

Me and group members were inspired by his works as referring to our project’s brief, we were asked to choose one subject matter as the sign of the KL city and find a set of similar things to design and interactive field guide.

Meanwhile, today during the lunch time, our group had a group discussion on the topic of how to enhance our idea (confusing signboards in KL); how to convince and reintroduce to our target audiences efficiently.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

hooray~We Chose Signboards

08 December 2010 (WED)-We have decided to choose the signboards as our subject matter in this subject-Signs of KL's City.

We are planning to select 8 to 12  of signboards to be developed and reintroduce to our target audience.
We focus on the tourists / foreigners in KL as our target audience.

Due to the tourists / foreigners can't really understand the city's signboards. Those confusing signboards and signboards in Bahasa Melayu language will be selected a our main focus object.

Each of us are going back home to continue what we are doing in sketchbook. I did the research of the signboards, draws some rough ideas of how to "reread" and "relearn" and "interact" with the signboards in city with the audiences.

Seree- Tutorial (8/12/2010 Wednesday)

Today, me, Kah Hong, and Ah Kau, we 3 have tutorial with Pn Safinas. We showed her our ideas and the subject that we have chosen. We are going to focus on “sign board” around the KL. However, this is not about random sign board, we found that some of the sign board are quite confusing. Therefore we plan to do a “guide” for tourist which is our target audience. We want to do this subject matter is because sign boards around KL are quite confusing not only for the tourist, but our Malaysian also might confuse about the meaning of the sign board. After the discussion we decided to do 10 unique sign boards. 4 is about the language(Bahasa Malaysia) problem. Another 6 is about the symbol problem of the sign board. So, now we have our idea already; the next step is mood board and idea generation.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

K.L. Trip- Time Square----- Pavillion

4 Dec 2010 (SAT)-10.00 in the morning, Ser Ee (L), Kao and me met at the Times Square's lobby.

Within this trip, we research on different of object and element from Time Square toward Pavillion. We looking the visual language, the sign in KL. On the trip, we are focus on the object along the road. In this trip, we have founded some of the interesting sign board which never see in other places.

From that all images we taken, it was so different and impress us. Some one it was symbolic, some of it was fun. Therefore, we put though in this blogger. Other than the sign board, we taken some other of picture for the sign of K.L. Although we focus on the sign board, but we also take the picture of some other element or object.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Having A Short Tutorial

6 Dec 2010 (MON)-11.50am,we went to staff room of School of Design to find our tutor, Pn. Safinas for tutorial. Pn Safinas told us we should find out the objective of choosing the "SIGNBOARDS" as our subject matter in this project. We also need to decide the target audiences and think about how the target audiences interact with the "signboards".

After the tutorial, I planned to do the research of every "signboard" and print out the images for pasting them into my sketchbook.From visualising the images of "signboards", we will able to get some ideas for our project and bring it out during the group discussion and next tutorial.

p/s: The pictures that I attached here show the images of "signboards" in A4 paper, and some of the research about KL city and KL food culture on my sketchbook. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Site Research to KL

4 Dec 2010 (SAT)-10.00 in the morning, Ser Ee (L), Kah Hong and I met at the Times Square's lobby.
The purpose why we went there was doing research, taking pictures and looking for the "Signs of the KL City".We went to Times Square, Pavillion and Fanrenheit ,which all of them are shopping complex along Jalan Bintang at Bukit Bintang area of KL.

I did take photos of the objects that could be found around us along the road. For instance, I took pictures of road signs, signboards, safety cone, street's light, manholes and public telephone.Ser Ee, Kah Hong and I had fun while doing the site research as we also tried to explore the new way of how to interact with the signboards.

Our site research was ended at about 3pm. After having lunch at Times Square, then we went back.
During the night,we successfully created the "blogspot" for our group so that we can update our status and process of doing this latest project.

From the photos we had taken,each of the group members got to think some ideas after going back home.
At home, I started to print out the selected photos. From there, i did the brain-storming and trying to get inspiration for the idea generation.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Seree- Photo shooting day (Saturday 4/12/10)

Me, Kah Hong and Ah Kau went to Times Square for photo shooting. It is for our basic research to explore what is around in KL. We meet up at 10am at Times Square lobby. Then we discuss what we gonna focus on, and what kind of visual that we gonna take photo. We started to take photos on sign board since there are many different sign board around Times Square. There are many different type of sign board and some are very interesting. Besides that we found few unique sign boards are place in KL only since KL is a very flourish city and lots of tourist. Therefore they need to put some specific sign boards to lead the tourist. So, we might focus on sign boards that around KL. However this is not the last decision yet, we will decide after the tutorial.